Thank you so much for coming to my Web site. I am a comedian with a great sense of humor. I'm going on tour all over America, or at least some of it. As I said in some of my previous interviews, my first book about being a stand-up comedian is going to be published this July. more
Houston, Texas
A completely new show that will be presented to the wide public this September in Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
It’s a set of funny situations that briefly describe how I spent the last year and what lesson I learned.
Baltimore, MD
As I continue touring with a series of my new shows, I will reveal true sense of superstitions in Baltimore.
Atlanta, GA
A new show featuring my colleagues in stand-up comedy and some popular musicians and singers.
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I've been struggling with developing a medium business I inherited from my aunt. But these strategic advice from Mr. Sterling just set everything straight for me and thanks to using them I've recently built a new structure...